Sunday, April 5, 2009

Marathon Reflections - first 5 -miler

After realizing that my first 3 4-milers were actually 3 milers because I confused street names in google maps, it was very disappointing. But next day I did the actual 4 miles and it was hard with pain in my stomach and back. Wasn't a good feeling but I didn't stop. And I told myself this will get better when my body gets used to it. And I think that's precisely what happened. I did my first 5-miler today. Went all the way to Brooklyn bridge and back. And that was a great feeling and easier than 4-miler.

Again proves the point that everything in life follows normal distribution. You get a hump midway through the challenge, but if you cross it, its all downward slope from then on. And weather being awesome today, I had a lot of buddies on the trail. When running long distance I remember Newton's first law of motion. A body in motion or rest remains in motion or at rest unless an external unbalanced force acts on it. When I am beyond 3 miles, I am in a inertia which can be only stopped by the external force of mental block / injuries which so far has not occurred yet (fingers crossed).

To my surprise when I told my mom that I ran 8 miles she was giving me sound fitness advice. She told me to not to take shower immediately after the run and not to drink water. I knew some of the advice she gave me but I was happy to see her participating in my challenge. And her knowledge about fitness comes from Ramdev yoga camp she has been attending, who knew Ramdev will indirectly influence my Marathon.

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